City Engineering Assistant Rory Greggain Takes Over Project Manager Position


Rory Greggain, a dedicated employee in the City of Kimberley’s engineering department, has taken on the role of Project Manager. Having lived most of his life in Kimberley, Rory has deep roots in the community and brings a wealth of local knowledge to his new role.

Rory received his engineering diploma in Geomatics from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) and is a registered Applied Science Technologist (AScT). Before joining the City, he gained extensive experience working in the survey and construction industry. His practical experience in this field, combined with his technical expertise, has made him a key asset to the City.

Rory joined the City engineering department in 2021 and has been planning and executing infrastructure projects throughout Kimberley since that time. His hands-on experience and deep understanding of local needs position him perfectly for his new responsibilities as Project Manager.

"Rory has consistently demonstrated strong technical skills and an ability to address complex problems. His experience and knowledge make him well-suited for the Project Manager position," said Shane Castle, Project Manager for the City of Kimberley.

Rory is excited to take on this new role, stating, “I love Kimberley - always have and always will. There’s a particular spark in this City right now, and I’m honored to be a part of it.”

As Rory steps into this new role, the City looks forward to his continued positive impact on local infrastructure and community development.